POST api/LandOwnerDetails/CreateLandOwnerDetails

No documentation available.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
No documentation available.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "LOD_Id_PK": 1,
  "LOD_PR_Id_FK": 2,
  "LOD_PD_Id_FK": 1,
  "LOD_LandType_Id_Fk": 3,
  "LOD_Schedule_Id_Fk": 4,
  "LOD_SharingPattern_Id_Fk": 5,
  "LOD_LO_Name": "sample string 6",
  "LOD_Schedule": "sample string 7",
  "LOD_SurveyNumber": "sample string 8",
  "LOD_Size": 9.0,
  "LOD_Latitute": 1.0,
  "LOD_Longitute": 1.0,
  "LOD_Mobile": "sample string 10",
  "LOD_Email": "sample string 11",
  "LOD_BankName": "sample string 12",
  "LOD_Branch": "sample string 13",
  "LOD_Acc_No": 14,
  "LOD_IFSCCode": "sample string 15",
  "LOD_Status": "sample string 16",
  "LOD_Akar": "sample string 17",
  "LandOwnerSurveyDetailsModel": [
      "LD_Id": 1,
      "LD_LOD_Id_Fk": 2,
      "LD_SurveyNo": "sample string 3",
      "LD_Extents": 1.0,
      "LD_Longitude": "sample string 4",
      "LD_Latitude": "sample string 5",
      "LD_Akar": "sample string 6",
      "LD_LT_Id_Fk": 7,
      "LD_North": "sample string 8",
      "LD_East": "sample string 9",
      "LD_West": "sample string 10",
      "LD_South": "sample string 11",
      "LD_SP_Id_Fk": 12,
      "LD_Mop_Id_Fk": 1,
      "LD_Cad": "sample string 13",
      "LD_Sketch": "sample string 14",
      "LD_TS_Insert": "2024-09-18T22:50:54.6248925+05:30",
      "LD_TS_LastEdited": "2024-09-18T22:50:54.6248925+05:30",
      "LD_UserId_Insert": 17,
      "LD_Edited_Uid_FK": 18,
      "LD_InActive": "sample string 19",
      "PV_VillageName": "sample string 20",
      "MOP_Name": "sample string 21",
      "LT_PV_Id_FK": 1
      "LD_Id": 1,
      "LD_LOD_Id_Fk": 2,
      "LD_SurveyNo": "sample string 3",
      "LD_Extents": 1.0,
      "LD_Longitude": "sample string 4",
      "LD_Latitude": "sample string 5",
      "LD_Akar": "sample string 6",
      "LD_LT_Id_Fk": 7,
      "LD_North": "sample string 8",
      "LD_East": "sample string 9",
      "LD_West": "sample string 10",
      "LD_South": "sample string 11",
      "LD_SP_Id_Fk": 12,
      "LD_Mop_Id_Fk": 1,
      "LD_Cad": "sample string 13",
      "LD_Sketch": "sample string 14",
      "LD_TS_Insert": "2024-09-18T22:50:54.6248925+05:30",
      "LD_TS_LastEdited": "2024-09-18T22:50:54.6248925+05:30",
      "LD_UserId_Insert": 17,
      "LD_Edited_Uid_FK": 18,
      "LD_InActive": "sample string 19",
      "PV_VillageName": "sample string 20",
      "MOP_Name": "sample string 21",
      "LT_PV_Id_FK": 1
      "LD_Id": 1,
      "LD_LOD_Id_Fk": 2,
      "LD_SurveyNo": "sample string 3",
      "LD_Extents": 1.0,
      "LD_Longitude": "sample string 4",
      "LD_Latitude": "sample string 5",
      "LD_Akar": "sample string 6",
      "LD_LT_Id_Fk": 7,
      "LD_North": "sample string 8",
      "LD_East": "sample string 9",
      "LD_West": "sample string 10",
      "LD_South": "sample string 11",
      "LD_SP_Id_Fk": 12,
      "LD_Mop_Id_Fk": 1,
      "LD_Cad": "sample string 13",
      "LD_Sketch": "sample string 14",
      "LD_TS_Insert": "2024-09-18T22:50:54.6248925+05:30",
      "LD_TS_LastEdited": "2024-09-18T22:50:54.6248925+05:30",
      "LD_UserId_Insert": 17,
      "LD_Edited_Uid_FK": 18,
      "LD_InActive": "sample string 19",
      "PV_VillageName": "sample string 20",
      "MOP_Name": "sample string 21",
      "LT_PV_Id_FK": 1
  "LOD_Address1": "sample string 18",
  "LOD_Address2": "sample string 19",
  "LOD_Gender": "sample string 20"

application/xml, text/xml

<LandOwnerDetailsModels xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <LOD_Address1>sample string 18</LOD_Address1>
  <LOD_Address2>sample string 19</LOD_Address2>
  <LOD_Akar>sample string 17</LOD_Akar>
  <LOD_BankName>sample string 12</LOD_BankName>
  <LOD_Branch>sample string 13</LOD_Branch>
  <LOD_Email>sample string 11</LOD_Email>
  <LOD_Gender>sample string 20</LOD_Gender>
  <LOD_IFSCCode>sample string 15</LOD_IFSCCode>
  <LOD_LO_Name>sample string 6</LOD_LO_Name>
  <LOD_Mobile>sample string 10</LOD_Mobile>
  <LOD_Schedule>sample string 7</LOD_Schedule>
  <LOD_Status>sample string 16</LOD_Status>
  <LOD_SurveyNumber>sample string 8</LOD_SurveyNumber>
      <LD_Akar>sample string 6</LD_Akar>
      <LD_Cad>sample string 13</LD_Cad>
      <LD_East>sample string 9</LD_East>
      <LD_InActive>sample string 19</LD_InActive>
      <LD_Latitude>sample string 5</LD_Latitude>
      <LD_Longitude>sample string 4</LD_Longitude>
      <LD_North>sample string 8</LD_North>
      <LD_Sketch>sample string 14</LD_Sketch>
      <LD_South>sample string 11</LD_South>
      <LD_SurveyNo>sample string 3</LD_SurveyNo>
      <LD_West>sample string 10</LD_West>
      <MOP_Name>sample string 21</MOP_Name>
      <PV_VillageName>sample string 20</PV_VillageName>
      <LD_Akar>sample string 6</LD_Akar>
      <LD_Cad>sample string 13</LD_Cad>
      <LD_East>sample string 9</LD_East>
      <LD_InActive>sample string 19</LD_InActive>
      <LD_Latitude>sample string 5</LD_Latitude>
      <LD_Longitude>sample string 4</LD_Longitude>
      <LD_North>sample string 8</LD_North>
      <LD_Sketch>sample string 14</LD_Sketch>
      <LD_South>sample string 11</LD_South>
      <LD_SurveyNo>sample string 3</LD_SurveyNo>
      <LD_West>sample string 10</LD_West>
      <MOP_Name>sample string 21</MOP_Name>
      <PV_VillageName>sample string 20</PV_VillageName>
      <LD_Akar>sample string 6</LD_Akar>
      <LD_Cad>sample string 13</LD_Cad>
      <LD_East>sample string 9</LD_East>
      <LD_InActive>sample string 19</LD_InActive>
      <LD_Latitude>sample string 5</LD_Latitude>
      <LD_Longitude>sample string 4</LD_Longitude>
      <LD_North>sample string 8</LD_North>
      <LD_Sketch>sample string 14</LD_Sketch>
      <LD_South>sample string 11</LD_South>
      <LD_SurveyNo>sample string 3</LD_SurveyNo>
      <LD_West>sample string 10</LD_West>
      <MOP_Name>sample string 21</MOP_Name>
      <PV_VillageName>sample string 20</PV_VillageName>



Failed to generate the sample for media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Cannot use formatter 'JQueryMvcFormUrlEncodedFormatter' to write type 'LandOwnerDetailsModels'.

Response Information

No documentation available.

Response body formats

application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml


Sample not available.